cheapo dc 2.0 [effect] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function: 1. Analyses the signal and calculates dc offset and suggests a value. 2. Modifies the signal with an offset. 3. Inertia control allows creation of infrasound. Parameters: Mode: "Stat,Separate" Statistical info, separate controls for stereo channels. "Stat,Right Sl" Statistical info, left control controls both channels. "Separate" No statistical info, separate controls for stereo channels. "Right Slave" No statistical info, left control controls both channels. Left&Right Offset: Modifies the offset of the signal. When machine is in mono mode only "Left Gain" has effect. Inertia: Controls how fast the multiplier changes to the new value. Menu options: Show analysis... Shows info about the signal (suggested dcc offset and so on...) Reset analysis Resets the analysis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is DC OFFSET? 16bit sound sample data contains values between -32768 and +32767. When you sample a sound, the values have optimally mid point at zero, so when you look at the graph of the sample with a sound editor, you should see a nice waveform which is centered at the middle of the graph. When a sample has DC offset, it is not centered at the middle, but it is either below or over the center axis. Sound data is usually distributed equally below and over the center axis so when you have DC offset, the dynamical range of the sound is limitted which means that the sound can't be as loud as it could be. A large DC offset also causes snaps when the sample ends, because the signal drops fast from the offset level to the real zero level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Revision history: 2.01 Mono signal analysis now actually shows the real dc offset. 2.0 First release of stereo/mono-in version. 1.0 First release. Mono-in only. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ oh.. almost forgot: YOU NEED BUZZ1.2 TO USE THIS EFFECT Mikko Apo (